Lisgar 175th Anniversary Reunion

Media Kit


Ottawa Collegiate Institute, now Lisgar, as erected in 1874. Photo likely about 1880.

Credit: Topley Studio Fonds / Library and Archives Canada / PA-008941.

Ottawa Collegiate Institute, now Lisgar, in the early 1890s, significantly expanded from the original 1874 construction and with today’s main entrance visible on the street. View from the west, along Lisgar.

Ottawa Collegiate Institute, now Lisgar, about 1892, significantly expanded from the original 1874 construction and with a bell tower added. View from the east, close to the Canal.

Ottawa Collegiate Institute, now Lisgar, in 1902, with an East wing having just been added. View from the east, close to the Canal.

Credit: William James Topley / Library and Archives Canada / PA-008851.

Ottawa Collegiate Institute, now Lisgar, in 1908, with a west wing having just been added. View from the west, along Lisgar St.

Credit: William James Topley / Library and Archives Canada / PA-009070.

Lisgar Collegiate Institute in about 1935. View from the east, close to the Canal.

Credit: William James Topley / Library and Archives Canada / PA-009071.

Lisgar Collegiate Institute in winter, 1976.

Lisgar Collegiate Institute in 1977, after major renovations but before the last block of Lisgar St. became a pedestrian mall.

Lisgar Collegiate Institute at night, 1983.

Credit: Vince Emond.


Lisgar Collegiate Institute today.

Lisgar Collegiate Institute today.

Lisgar Collegiate Institute today.

Lisgar Collegiate Institute today.

Lisgar Collegiate Institute today.

Lisgar Collegiate Institute today.


Lisgar Collegiate Institute’s science lecture hall as it appeared in 1903.

Credit: William James Topley / Library and Archives Canada / PA-009097.

Finlay Hood’s art classroom at Lisgar Collegiate Institute, in 1910. In the early part of his 1906-1939 career at Lisgar, Hood taught almost every subject on the curriculum, but during the greater part of that time he presided over the L-shaped art room on the top floor of the east wing.

Credit: Topley Studio / Library and Archives Canada / PA-042386.

Finlay Hood’s art classroom at Lisgar Collegiate Institute, in 1910. In the early part of his 1906-1939 career at Lisgar, Hood taught almost every subject on the curriculum, but during the greater part of that time he presided over the L-shaped art room on the top floor of the east wing.

Credit: William James Topley / Library and Archives Canada / PA-009099.

Lisgar Collegiate Institute’s library, April 1910. View north toward the school’s main entrance. Two of the stained glass windows above the front doors can just be made out through the far windows.

Credit: Topley Studio / Library and Archives Canada / PA-042387.

Lisgar Collegiate Institute’s Assembly Hall, now Alumni Auditorium, as it appeared in what was likely 1910. As part of the 175th Anniversary Reunion, the Lisgar Alumni Association is raising funds for major improvements to the auditorium, given some of the equipment still in use dates to the 1950s.

Credit: William James Topley / Library and Archives Canada / PA-009095.

Lisgar Collegiate Institute’s Memorial Hall, just inside the main entrance, is lined with plaques bearing the names of more than two thousand alumni who served or gave their lives in WWI, WWII, and the Korean War. The 175th Anniversary Reunion logo, designed by 2012 grad David Xia, has been inset on the floor just in time for the reunion.


A classroom at Ottawa Collegiate Institute, now Lisgar, in 1903.

Three girls pose outside Ottawa Collegiate Institute, now Lisgar, in an undated photograph likely taken in the early 1910s.

Students file down the stairs during a 1942 air raid drill at Lisgar Collegiate Institute.

Credit: Malak Karsh.

Previous Reunions

60th Anniversary Reunion, in 1903, of Ottawa Collegiate Institute, now Lisgar.

125th Anniversary Reunion, in 1968, of Lisgar Collegiate Institute.

Special Guests

Rich Little.

Official bio.

Rich Little.

Official bio.

Rich Little appears front row centre in this 1957 Lisgar Collegiate Institute yearbook photo.


Lisgar 175 Logo (Adobe Illustrator file)

Lisgar 175 Logo (JPG file)

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